Freelance (2023): John Cena’s Comedy Survival Journey

Freelance (2023): John Cena’s Comedy Survival Journey

“Freelance” is an American action comedy film, released in 2023, directed by Pierre Morel. The film stars actors such as John Cena, Alison Brie and Juan Pablo Raba.


Main content: The film is about Mason Pettits (played by John Cena), a former special forces agent, assigned to protect journalist Claire Wellington (Alison Brie) during an interview with President Juan Venegas of the country of Paldonia. However, when a military coup broke out in the middle of the interview, they were forced to flee into the jungle and face many dangers to survive.

Review: “Freelance” received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. On Rotten Tomatoes, the film was rated 0% by critics, showing disappointment in the quality of the content. Some comments said that the film lacked appeal and did not meet expectations.

Conclusion: “Freelance” is an action comedy with famous stars. However, the film did not receive high reviews from critics, so if you are interested, you should watch it and evaluate it yourself based on your personal feelings.

For a more general view of the film, you can refer to the review video below: